polygraph, forensic psychological examination using a polygraph, expert methodology, probability of results, cognitive evoked brain potentialsAbstract
The purpose of the publication is to present to the expert community the author's vision of the current organizational and legal form of the use of special knowledge in the field of polygraphy and its further prospects. For the development of the institution of forensic psychological examination with the use of a computer polygraph, it is extremely important to resolve two issues: the probability of the results of a polygraph examination and the issue of uncertainty in the legal regulation of the limits and possibilities of using a polygraph in forensic expert activity. The issues of ensuring a high level of probability of the results of polygraph examination were addressed by the authors of the report in the research paper «Development of methodological recommendations for the use of a computer polygraph in conducting certain types of forensic psychological examinations». Certain steps have also been taken to address the problem of uncertainty in the legal regulation of the limits and possibilities of using a polygraph in forensic activities. The State Standard of Ukraine “Forensic Psychological Examination. Use of a polygraph. General requirements”, which came into force on 01.05.2024. The DSTU regulates the general organisational and methodological requirements for conducting a forensic psychological examination using a polygraph, requirements for the safety and confidentiality of the study, requirements for polygraphs used in forensic practice. Another legal document that has been prepared to date is the Methodology for Conducting Forensic Psychological Examinations Using a Computer Polygraph. The methodology is being tested in state expert institutions of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine. Based on the research and developed regulatory documents, the authors of the article consider it necessary to introduce the clarifications presented in the article to the Scientific and Methodological Recommendations on the Preparation and Appointment of Forensic Examinations and Expert Studies, as well as relevant amendments and additions to the regulatory framework for the limits and possibilities of using a polygraph in forensic activities.
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