financial condition, financial stability, profit, profitability, analysis, ratio, solvency, liquidity, evaluation, reporting.Abstract
The functioning of any enterprise, regardless of its activities and forms of ownership, is determined by its ability to generate the necessary and sufficient amount of income or profit. The analysis of profit and financial condition of the enterprise occupies a leading place in the system of complex economic analysis, as they assess the degree of achievement of the ultimate goal of the enterprise. The system of financial ratios helps to assess the level of financial condition of the enterprise, characterizing its ability to meet its obligations to creditors and make payments in accordance with other obligations; assess the degree of risk to creditors and the limit of financial stability. Assessment of the financial condition of the enterprise also plays an important role in identifying violations in the economic sphere. The need for forensic economic research arises when criminal or civil liability is established in case of insolvency of the enterprise, its bankruptcy and other circumstances, or when it is necessary to establish the amount of damages, responsible persons.
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