institutional environment, institutions, institute, forensic expert activity.Abstract
Based on the results of the research carried out, the author’s interpretation of the term “institutional environment of forensic activities” was given to the article. The composition of the system of formal and informal norms and rules has been established. It is noted that the institutional environment of forensic activities is influenced, in particular by the patterns of development and the nature of the forensic examination itself, the state and level of development of the science of expertology, which has the ability to theoretically generalize the needs of expert support of justice, etc. The essence of the functions of the institutional environment of forensic activities (information (evidence-based), epistemological (cognitive), criminological, methodological) is given and disclosed. The elements of the institutional environment of forensic activities, which have found a graphical display, are determined. The main components of the institutional environment for forensic activities include: legal support, organizational and managerial support, financial and logistical support, scientific, methodological and information support for expert and research work of forensic institutions.
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