
  • O. V. Tymchenko


optimization of forensic expert activity, information and evidence base, world standards, psychological portrait of the offender, expert prevention


The urgency of the represented article is due to the fact that during the period of significant reforms of the law-enforcement system it is necessary to maximize the efficiency of forensic-expert activity. In the conditions of European integration, it is expedient to bring the criteria of the efficiency of the domestic expert institutions to the requirements of world standards. The objectives of the research work are as follows: to analyze scientific approaches of scientists regarding the functioning of expert institutions in the foreign countries and the most up-to-date achievements in the field of forensic expertise; to explore the possibility of introducing progressive achievements of foreign countries in the field of forensic expert activity in the practice of the Expert Service; to provide suggestions on optimization of forensic expert activity on the basis of improvement of the information-proof base, taking into account the best world experience. To solve these problems, was used a dialectical materialistic method of scientific knowledge of phenomena and processes, and based on it general scientific and special methods. The use of these methods allowed to analyze scientific approaches to the trends and priorities of the development of international cooperation in the field of forensic expertise, to formulate a conclusion on the effectiveness of the activities of expert institutions in developed countries, as well as the possibility of introducing progressive achievements in Ukraine. The directions and criteria for optimization of forensic expert activity were proposed, due to the improvement of the collection of information and evidence base, namely: development of cooperation with foreign partners, directions of further European integration in the field of forensic expert activity, use of positive experience of foreign countries, dissemination in the practice of compilation "Psychological portrait of the offender" is based on the domestic expert institutions, computerization of the specified procedure. In addition, the article highlights the issue of increasing the role of expert prevention as an element of the activity of expert institutions, which will contribute to the prevention of criminal offenses. The criterion of optimization is the high level of efficiency of forensic expert activity, the removal from track information of the maximum possible volume of evidence base for the minimum time after the commission of a criminal offense, aimed at increasing the credibility of domestic expert institutions both on the national and international scales.


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