
  • I. S. Tkachenko


complex research, handwriting expertise, classification tasks


This article considers the current state and the prospects of development of complex forensic handwriting diagnostic studies. The author has emphasized that handwriting expertise is one of the most demanded types of the forensic research, and therefore the speed and efficiency in solving complex problems in a given situation largely depends on the level of use of modern technical means, tactical techniques, etc. The expert activity in carrying out all the stages of expert research forms a certain system, and, therefore, has a complex character. This is manifested very clearly in the handwriting expertise, when for the correct interpretation of the handwriting there is a need to use a wide range of specialized knowledge, that is, a set of professional knowledge, skills and abilities obtained as a result of special education and / or work experience, that corresponds to the modern development of the law enforcement area, science, technology, art or craft, and is sufficient for the competent (qualified) solution to the questions in the range of interest of the investigation officers or the court in a particular casework. Analysis of recent studies and publications indicates that existing methods for solving certain handwriting tasks in handwriting experts practice are not used in a view of the high probability of obtaining unreliable results and require the availability of large and medium volume texts. It is the author's opinion that a complex approach to the handwriting problems solution, the knowledge integration and the improvement of the legal framework in the organization and conduct of complex handwriting expertise should help fill the lack of information about the investigated object, correctly substantiate the expert conclusion and improve its completeness and reliability.


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