
  • V. L. Fedorenko
  • O. V. Holikova


comparative legal research, comparative legal method, copyright law, object of copyright, judicial expertise in the field of copyright law


This article is devoted to highlighting the methodological aspects of comparative legal research as objects of forensic expertise in the field of copyright law. It is noted that relevant comparative legal studies became the subject of numerous research work, dissertation research, monographs, and other scientific works. At the same time, the category of «comparative legal research», the task of such studies, as well as certain criteria that allow the qualification of comparative legal studies as objects of copyright and, consequently, objects of forensic expertise, are currently absent. In this article the paradigm of being comparative law as a universal method of research and an independent branch of legal knowledge is revealed. It is emphasized the need to formulate the conclusions and provisions of such studies in view of the needs of law-making and law-enforcement practice. The conceptual provisions on the essence, content and qualifying features of comparative legal research as objects of forensic expertise and expert research in the field of copyright are substantiated, as well as the main qualifying features of comparative legal research as the objects of copyright are formulated. In particular, it is concluded that such qualifying features of comparative legal research - objects of copyright are: their compliance with the goals and objectives of the research, discrete disclosure of their essence and content in the subject of research, using a sufficient information base; use of the original methodology of scientific research, which systematically combines various methods, but with dominance in the study of the comparative-legal method; creative character and compliance with the requirements of novelty and originality, the lack of borrowings from other works; availability of independent conclusions, provisions and proposals for improving specific aspects of law-making and law enforcement activities; expression in an objective form (scientific report, monograph, educational publication, scientific publication, etc.), etc.


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