
  • S. A. Chvankin


electronic court, electronic legal proceedings, unified information and telecommunication system


This article considers the issue of legal proceedings modernization, - electronifying of legal proceedings, formation of a number of electronic registers, their integration into unified electronic system for the legal professionals, as well as other directions and prospects for the use of electronic technologies in legal proceedings. Furthermore, the article considers practical and theoretical achievements as the basics of the future court telecommunications system, which should provide interactions between the courts, courts and participants in legal proceedings, that is at the moment presented by the «Electronic Court» pilot project on the basis of the Kiev District Court of Odessa, and the recognition by the state as the main priority of the construction an people-centered, opened and development-oriented information society. Main ideas that should be guiding in the development of legal proceedings are disclosed: transparent cases movement in courts, clear trials and legal proceedings in the shortest possible time. The author emphasizes that electronic legal proceedings are not only the sending of documents, but a step into the modernity, and also draws attention to the prospects for further development of the application of telecommunication technologies in the work of courts, arrangement of videoconferencing between the court and expert institutions, granting of an access to the courts electronic document management system for experts or the unification of these systems into unified electronic system for the legal professionals, when for the casework of the specific specialist will only be necessary to send the corresponding electronic request. As an explanation of the relevance of electronic legal proceedings introduction, the article highlights its obvious advantages: significant time savings, quick access to case materials, getting rid of the need to certify copies of documents and eliminating the irrational use of financial and environmental resources. At the same time, the author defines the purpose of this publication not so much as the scientific presentation of the «Electronic Court in Ukraine» issue problematics, but rather as the popularization and putting attention of society and individual specialists to the trends and prospects for the development of this system in Ukraine, since the introduction of such technologies is impossible without continuing the corresponding reforms in the legal area and requires acquiring of initiative specialists, financial and technical support.


Нові ГПК, ЦПК та КАС ухвалила Верховна Рада [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу: http://zib.com.ua/ua/130328-novi_gpk_cpk_ta_kas_uhvalila_verhovna_rada.html

Закон України «Про Основні засади розвитку інформаційного суспільства в Україні на 2007-2015 роки» // Відомості Верховної Ради України (ВВР). – 2007. – № 12. – Ст. 102.

Що таке інформаційно телекомунікаційні системи? / Кластер-Плюс [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу: http://www.klaster-plus.ua/ua/stati-i-obzory/informacionnotelekommunikacionnaja-sistema/

«Нове правосуддя» в Одесі – впровадження електронного суду / Київський районний суд м. Одеси [Електронний ресурс; відео]. – Режим доступу: https://kievskiysud.od.ua/pressdepartment/all-news/6267-nove-pravosuddya-v-odesi-vprovadzhennya-elektronnogo-sudu-video.

Сергій Чванкін: «Психологічний тиск і навіть погрози не змусили жодного з нас відмовитися від виконання своїх обов’язків» / Київський районний суд м. Одеси [Електронний ресурс; відео]. – Режим доступу: https://kievskiysud.od.ua/press-department/allnews/6406-sergij-chvankin-psikhologichnij-tisk-i-navit-pogrozi-ne-zmusili-zhodnogo-z-nasvidmovitisya-vid-vikonannya-svojikh-obov-yazkiv.




