


special knowledge, traces, inspection of the scene, specialist


The article discusses recommendations aimed at improving the conduct of investigative actions, such as site inspections in the investigation of terrorism-related crimes. Terrorist activities of organizations and groups have increased dramatically in recent years, causing panic and chaos among the population. That is why the investigation of terrorism and the formation of appropriate methods for investigating terrorist acts pose new challenges to criminology. Investigating terrorism-related crimes is a complex and ongoing process. First, when investigating such crimes, there are some difficulties in obtaining evidence. This is due to the fact that investigators during the search (public) and covert investigative actions ignore the advice and recommendations of specialists, as well as no study of judicial practice in the investigation of such crimes. Secondly, there is a political component in the study of the phenomenon of terrorism, the disregard of which is a scientific error and leads to imperfect research and judgment. For a more effective investigation of terrorism-related crimes, the investigator needs to clearly define the tactics of the investigative (search) actions, especially the scene inspection. Traces of crime in terrorist acts are difficult to find, so investigators use the forces and means of investigative units and specialists to detect and remove traces of crime. Investigative practice shows that a successful investigation of a terrorist act, in particular an inspection of the scene, is impossible without the involvement of a wide range of specialists – trasologists, ballistics, forensic scientists, cynologists, forensic experts, chemists and more. In addition, it is necessary to clearly identify who was at the scene of the terrorist act, with a view to further interrogation of these persons. Such questions can be answered only by specialists who inspect the scene. The work of a specialist during the inspection of the scene is extremely difficult. In order to identify traces of crime at the scene of the incident, the specialist has to perform a lot of actions to identify them. Therefore, the specialist must have not only certain skills and knowledge, but also good vision, because any trace found at the scene can help the investigator in solving the crime. Therefore, this article reveals the concept of a trace, defines the types of traces of a person and weapons that criminals leave at the crime scene: the features of their detection; as well as the problems that arise during their removal when examining the scene of the incident and ways to overcome them. Unfortunately, in Ukraine, not much attention is paid to specialists and forensic experts, in particular in the field of trassology and ballistics, whose advice, explanations and conclusions are essential in the investigation of crimes related to terrorism. Take into account that innovative progress does not stand still, now there are new opportunities and technologies for detecting traces during the commission of terrorist acts. However, specialists and forensic experts in Ukraine do not have the theoretical and practical skills to use new devices to get traces. This article reveals what innovations are used in European countries and what should be applied in Ukraine to improve the work of specialists and forensic experts, because their use will not only improve the work of specialists and forensic experts, but also help the investigator in a quick and effective crime detection.


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