punishment, correction, working conditions, prison companies, prison departmentsAbstract
The article is devoted to the study of historical and legal aspects of the use of labour of convicts at work in Ukraine and foreign countries. The author examines the evolution of the involvement of convicts in labour and their impact on the legal system and society as a whole. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of the legal framework that determines the conditions and methods of organising the work of convicts, as well as to the comparison of Ukrainian experience with foreign practice. The impact of prisoners’ work on the process of their further re-socialisation and correction is studied. The authors analyse how involvement in labour contributes to the economic well-being of society. Examples of the use of labour of convicts in Ukraine and foreign countries are given. Specific case studies are considered, illustrating both successful and failed models. This makes it possible to highlight both positive and negative aspects of the use of prison labour. The author identifies the problems of involving convicts in labour in Ukraine, including insufficient funding, lack of modern material and technical facilities, low level of professional training, as well as legislative and organisational obstacles. The article is a valuable source for scholars, lawyers, penitentiary system employees and policy makers interested in improving the system of execution of sentences and rehabilitation of convicts through their involvement in work.
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