



SWOT-analysis, SWOT matrix, research institutions of forensic examinations, strategic planning, external environment


The article is devoted to the SWOT-analysis of the activities of scientific research institutions of forensic expertise in Ukraine (CRIFE). The author describes four categories that are analysed in the framework of SWOT analysis: strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and risks. Examples of these four categories of SWOT that may be encountered in the activities of the State Research Institute of Forensic Expertise are given. The corresponding steps that need to be taken to create a SWOT analysis are investigated, namely: Step 1 – information research; Step 2 – presentation of the results of the SWOT analysis. The information gathered is summarised in a SWOT matrix, which allows us to immediately see the most important positive and negative factors affecting the state of the NDUSE, obtained as a result of its analysis and analysis of the environment. The SWOT matrix allows to identify correlations between strengths and weaknesses, on the one hand, and between opportunities and threats, on the other. Depending on which characteristics of the NDUSE are related to the selected characteristics of the environment, it becomes possible to determine the general directions of strategic planning through their visualization in the four fields of the SWOT matrix. Based on the results of the SWOT analysis and the combined SWOT matrix, four strategies for the NUCE are derived: «Expand», «Catch up», «Defend», «Avoid», which can be used to describe the strategic direction of development of a research institution of forensic expertise. The example of the Odesa Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise of the Ministry of Justice shows how the results of the SWOT analysis can be used to determine the strategy of the Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise. The problems and mistakes that exist in the SWOT analysis, as well as the advantages of this method of strategic planning of the activities of the National Institute of Legal Expertise, are outlined. It is concluded that as a result of strategic planning of the activities of the National Institute of Legal Expertise, based on the results of the SWOT analysis, it is possible to develop clear strategic plans for the next calendar year in terms of areas of activity (finance; customers; current processes; development).


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