


corruption, anti-corruption strategy, «state capture», «transnational corruption», socio-economic development, labor relations, digitalization, innovation


The article examines the latest approaches and concepts to the study of corruption, which is one of the greatest threats to the stability and development of modern states. Corruption, as a phenomenon that permeates various spheres of public life, requires a multifaceted analysis that takes into account its economic, political and social aspects. The article focuses on the transnational aspects of corruption, which is a consequence of globalization processes and the development of international financial markets. One of the key aspects of the consideration is the concept of «transnational corruption», which covers corrupt practices that are carried out beyond national borders and involve international financial institutions. The author analyzes the role of offshore zones and complex financial schemes in concealing the proceeds of corruption. Particular attention is paid to the role of professional intermediaries – lawyers, accountants and banks – in facilitating corrupt practices through the establishment and maintenance of offshore companies. The article also explores the concept of state capture, which describes systematic political corruption when private interests have a significant impact on public policy making. This phenomenon is particularly characteristic of post-communist countries, but is also found in other regions of the world. The author analyzes how state capture undermines democratic institutions, deepens inequality, and impedes socio-economic development. The article discusses the social aspects of corruption, in particular its impact on different groups of the population. It is shown that corruption can deepen social inequality, especially in relation to women and minorities, who are more likely to face corrupt pressure and bribery. This emphasizes the need to develop specialized anti-corruption strategies aimed at protecting the most vulnerable groups in society. Considerable attention is paid to innovations in corruption research methods. The use of the latest technologies, such as artificial intelligence and big data, allows for more efficient identification and analysis of corruption risks. This creates new opportunities to increase transparency and accountability in both the public and private sectors.


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