Design example

UDC 343.137

Krykunov Oleksand Viktorovych,
Candidate of Law Sciences, Associate Professor,
Associate Professor of the Department of Criminal Law and Procedure,
Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University



Abstract. The article clarifies the historical and etymological aspects and the procedural nature of the peremptory challenge of the jury candidate, its significance for the formation of an impartial the court in criminal proceedings. In the context of the subject of the study, the authors generalize historical legal documents, available legislature and judicial practice of a number of states, belonging to the Anglo-American and Romano-Germanic legal systems. The study focuses on the situations in which it is expedient to declare an peremptory challenge to a jury candidate. The legal and psychological recommendations of foreign experts, who apply in their own practice the right to peremptory challenge of a candidate in jury, are considered. Іn the world there is a tendency to refuse or limit peremptory challenge to jury candidates. The introduction of the right to peremptory challenge of a candidate in a jury into our current legislation as a separate step for its improvement does not seem appropriate. (the volume of the annotation is not less than 1,800 printed characters)
Key words: jury trial, attended, unmotivated visitor, criminal trial.

Анотація. У статті з’ясовано історичний та етимологічний аспект, процесуальну природу невмотивованого відводу кандидату у присяжні, його значення для формування складу суду присяжних у кримінальному провадженні відповідно до інтересу його сторін. Узагальнено доступні пам’ятки права, акти законодавства та судову практику низки держав світу. З’ясовано ситуації, за яких доцільним є заявлення невмотивованого відводу кандидату у присяжні. Розглянуто юридичні та психологічні рекомендації закордонних фахівців. Автори дійшли висновку, що запровадження права на невмотивований відвід кандидату у присяжні у наше чинне законодавство як окремий крок для його вдосконалення не видається доцільним (the volume of the annotation is not less than 1,800 printed characters)
Ключові слова: суд присяжних, відвід, невмотивований відвід, кримінальний процес.

When regulating the procedure for forming a jury in the world, both motivated and unmotivated forms of challenge are provided [1, p. 22].

The idea of ​​the right to unmotivated dismissal was formulated by the well-known legal philosopher and lawyer Cesare Beccaria: "it would be fair if the accused could, within certain limits, dismiss judges who seem suspicious to him. If this is given to him without hindrance for a certain time, then the condemnation will be perceived by him as his own sentence against himself" [2, c. 253]. We can agree that the authority of a court decision is possible only if there are no doubts about the court's impartiality.

A peremptory challenge is an exclusive element in the procedure for forming a jury [3, p. 156]. I. Ya. Foynytskyi, a classic of the criminal process, convincingly and easily explained this situation as follows. With regard to crown judges (in the modern analogy – professional), whose number is small and whose replacement by others is not so easy, the possibility of recusal should be provided within narrower limits. No state can give place here to reasons which establish unfitness to be a judge because of the mere apprehension of a party, which is not tested by the court, and which is recognized in relation to jurors as a right of peremptory challenge [5, с. 277].


List of used sources:

1. Солодков А. А. Правовий статус присяжних за законодавством України. Вісник АМСУ. Серія: Право. 2013. № 2 (11). С. 19–27.

2. Бернхем В. Вступ до права та правової системи США. К.: Україна, 1999. 542 с.

3. Солодков А. А. Особливості реалізації інституту відводу в суді присяжних. Право і суспільство. 2014. № 6-2. Ч. 2. С. 231–237.


1. Solodkov A. A. (2013) Pravovyi status prysiazhnykh za zakonodavstvom Ukrainy [Legal status of juries under the laws of Ukraine]. Visnyk AMSU. Seriia: Pravo, No. 2 (11), P. 19–27. [in Ukrainian]

2. Bernkhem V. (1999) Vstup do prava ta pravovoi systemy SShA [Introduction to US law and legal system]. K.: Ukraina. 542 s.

3. Solodkov A. A. (2014) Osoblyvosti realizatsii instytutu vidvodu v sudi prysiazhnykh [Features of the institute of removal in the jury]. Pravo i suspilstvo, No. 6-2. Part 2, P. 231–237. [in Ukrainian]